Friday, October 11, 2013

And I'll be seeing you "Creative Fire Songs"

Published on Sep 20, 2013
I can't stay - I felt it in my heart
I've gone away - I felt it in my heart
All these years
Something is changing, I feel it inside of my bones
All my life - but I don't know when

I'll come home - maybe it was wrong
Yes I'll come home - Oh it's been too long

Yes, I've been wrong - and sometimes I won't bend
I'll change my mind - then change my mind again
All these years they waste away
and why am I failing and everything's falling apart
For all my life - and I don't know when

I'll come home - I've been missing you
Yes I'll come home - Like you want me to
Oh things go wrong - like they always do
so I'll come home - I will see this through

I'll see this through
and I'll be seeing you
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@ Conner Byrne Pub in Seattle

Harcuvar - Domestic Violence

Thought I'd add some more recent recordings to the blog. Not doing a song a day anymore, so what else can I post?

Harcuvar - Domestic Violence

Written by Nathan Clelland
Performed by Nathan Clelland and Maren Meacham
Recorded and mixed by Sam Meacham at Studio Evol on 4/13/2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

#101 "One More?"

Hi everyone!......Anyone???....Hello? Yeah, it's been a while. Not 20 some odd years or anything, but a while. I wanted to take some time and write a real song. You know, take it slow. Come up with a nice part and mull it over for a while. Some serious song writing. So I sat down today and I couldn't stop. Finishing a song in one sitting has apparently become a habit after doing it 100 days in a row. Anyway, I hope to break the habit of never getting out my guitar and the habit of not taking my time so I can create something really good.

What's up with you now?
This is the first time I've seen you in ages.
Back in the day we would kick it, but what you doing now?

Yeah we're a little bit older.
Twenty some odd years is a while
.And yes I feel the difference in my lungs, in my bones
but for the most part I'm pretty much the same.

You changed your name, I moved away, you've had a few kids.
I waste away the time, it's flowing.
And I'm just slowing down, on myself
unforgivable me

But I'm alright tonight
because I'm taking care of me

Yes time keeps on flowing
but I'm not slowing down.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

SONG 100!!!! "Flippin done! That's what!" 100 SONGS 100 DAYS CREATIVE FIRE SINGS!!!

Wow! It feels good. Really good!

Sometimes times are tough
My darling that's just life

How many times have you felt sad today
and how often I get angry
when things don't go the way
I expected them to

Sometimes we just have bad luck
like when the refrigerator breaks
and all we have to do is pay
but we're still paying for the last time

Sometimes times are tough
but we always get by

Didn't I say I love you too today
and didn't you make me feel OK
Yes it's OK to brag
I'd do the same for you

I made dinner you cleaned up after me
and actually you take after me
and I take after you
that's why we're always good together

Friday, July 27, 2012

song 99 "this is 99"

Hi Jared. This one's for you.

I'd almost forgotten
to get this request in
Some folks like the drumming
We're almost to the last one
This is 99

Last week I was on the phone
talking to my brother
He said to me

Nathan those drumming songs are my favorite
You should do more
Nathan those drumming songs are my favorite

You should do more

Thursday, July 26, 2012

song 98 "dumb"

Holy smokes! I'm sorry! Truly! I'll try to make number 100 half way decent. So want to be done with this!

dum diddy dum dum dum dum dum dum
dum diddy dum dum dum dum dum dum
I guess you can say I'm getting pretty burnt out
and these guitar strings are over 100 days old
Normally that isn't an issue at all
but usually I play guitar less than once a week
My guitar is getting hard to hear when it's in tune
I should maybe put new strings on soon

dum diddy dum dum dum dum dum dum
dum diddy dum dum dum dum dum dum

dum diddy dum dum dum dum dum dum
dum diddy dum dum dum dum dum dum