Wednesday, February 13, 2013

#101 "One More?"

Hi everyone!......Anyone???....Hello? Yeah, it's been a while. Not 20 some odd years or anything, but a while. I wanted to take some time and write a real song. You know, take it slow. Come up with a nice part and mull it over for a while. Some serious song writing. So I sat down today and I couldn't stop. Finishing a song in one sitting has apparently become a habit after doing it 100 days in a row. Anyway, I hope to break the habit of never getting out my guitar and the habit of not taking my time so I can create something really good.

What's up with you now?
This is the first time I've seen you in ages.
Back in the day we would kick it, but what you doing now?

Yeah we're a little bit older.
Twenty some odd years is a while
.And yes I feel the difference in my lungs, in my bones
but for the most part I'm pretty much the same.

You changed your name, I moved away, you've had a few kids.
I waste away the time, it's flowing.
And I'm just slowing down, on myself
unforgivable me

But I'm alright tonight
because I'm taking care of me

Yes time keeps on flowing
but I'm not slowing down.