Sunday, May 6, 2012

song 17 "act your age"

Hey, I just made this one up for fun. It really isn't about anybody, so don't ask. Watch your mouth and act your age. Really!

you don't know what you're talking about
maybe you should try to be careful of what you say
if you want to get punched in the mouth
just say it again I dare you
I'm waiting for you to say it again
oh my word
I thought it but didn't act upon it
that's the way that we do it
we're grown ups we keep things to ourselves
you don't know what you're talking about
maybe you should try to be careful and shut your mouth
you should learn to watch what you say
be careful don't say it
I'm waiting for you to act your age

1 comment:

  1. the reflection in the guitar at about :36 sec, where you can see you again in the monitor is very cool.
