Wednesday, May 30, 2012

song 40 "hair"

Alright. Remember when I said I had a song idea but I wanted drums? Well, I thought I'd be doing more collaborative songs, but it turns out that's easier said than done. So I did it without drums. This idea was from pretty early on in the project. I was getting lots of comments from people that started with "you should write about....". Denise had just gotten a new haircut and I told her I liked it. She said "you should write about it". The next day these words and this guitar lick got into my head on the way to work. So here it is. No drums :(

Hey hello
What's up?

Her hair
The way she moves her body
and when she's doing Pilates 
I'm watching her

Her smile
and when she say's she loves me
or when she's doing the laundry
I'm watching her


  1. That riff sounds really hard to play whle singing . Awesome!

    1. Thanks Jesse. It was really hard for me. You're one of the few people who might notice that.
