Sunday, May 20, 2012

song 31 "Catalina"

I was completely stumped today and trying to figure out how I got through 3 songs let alone 30. Took a break and went out with Denise and had an idea for a guitar part come into my head on the drive home. When we got home, almost immediately, both of our kids burst into tears because of a fight they had had while we were gone. We talked through a lot of things that they're going through being in a new state and in a new school with all of they're friends and family left behind.  We sent the kids off to bed and I got back to my song. I really love my kids and they were heavily on my mind as I started writing. This is the final product. I think I'll do one for Ammon too. Maybe tomorrow if I can work something out then.

She's just a girl
She was born into the sun
When she smiles, all my worries melt away

She's fierce and fearless
always trying something new
Never surprised to be surprised
by the things that she can do

You're my baby girl
take a bow take my hand
You'll always be my little girl

She loves to draw
and she loves to be outside
She'll go swimming when the water's 45

She has a temper
but she's a sweetheart at her core
She loves her mom
but I suspect she loves her dad
just a little bit more

You're my baby girl
press your head against my cheek
You'll always be my little girl

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