Thursday, May 31, 2012

song 42 "Denise got a job!"

So Denise got a job at a dental office that she really likes. She even sang a song about. The quote probably isn't exact, but it's something close to a portion of what she sang :)

You just got the best job in the world
It's time for you to let it sink in

If you want to tell your friends
it's OK

"Who has a job? It's Denise!
She's the only one with a job!
It's not you. You don't have a job."
That's not really true
I have a job
but that's what you sang to me

Perhaps what you meant
is that you got a job that you love
and I just have a job
just like everybody else

"Who has a job? It's Denise!
She's the only one with a job!
It's not you. You don't have a job."

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