Wednesday, May 30, 2012

song 41 "microwave"

This one was inspired I think. By what? I have no idea, but while I was getting my mail pulled down for delivery, it just came to me, and I had to stop and write it down. Probably from a higher power would be my guess. I really must be something special. Enjoy! I know I did.

In a microwave
all of your wildest dreams will come true
you can fry an egg
or make a really fancy stew
You can pop popcorn
you can pop anything
and pop in your mouth
I've even popped a chicken wing
If you could get inside
you probably wouldn't stay alive
but I've heard 
that a cockroach would survive
the radiation waves
and so do I
What I'm trying to say
is I'm waving to you
Good bye

1 comment:

  1. I like how the song climaxes when you sing about a cockroach .
