Monday, July 2, 2012

song 74 "incomplete"

I swear this sounded cool when I wrote it this afternoon. Had to do some things and when I came back to it this evening, I couldn't remember the melody quite right. I need to start utilizing my handheld recorder :(

I wanted to get a better take, but my pinkie and ring finger were about to give out trying to hold that chord.

We want to but we don't know how to
I guess it's been a long time
since we've tried

I had one but somewhere along the way I lost it
I'd almost forgotten
that it ever was

Sometimes when I shut my eyes and think hard
I can almost taste it
but now it's gone

The thoughts sift out
but the memory is sweet

It was right there and I could almost touch it
but somehow I've lost it
and now it's gone

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