Wednesday, July 18, 2012

song 90 "childhood dreams"

This is a real memory of mine from growing up. The scary dream I can remember was a Nerf football with really long arms, who grabbed me and threw me down a well. At the bottom was a wide shallow lake that I fell into and was surrounded by monsters pushing metal carts full of rocks. It still gives me chills to this day ;)

Please don't leave me alone in the dark
I'm so scared
Why did you let me stay up so late
These images are playing through my mind
from the T.V.

I'm not bluffing when the lights go out
I see  these shapes take form
Like the jacket hanging on the bedpost

That looks like a witch to me
and now I'm frightened completely

I asked for a night light
it was denied
Eventually I fell asleep to terrible dreams
Then I woke up and crept into my parents room
and curled up on the floor
and I felt safe

Then I heard noises that alarmed me
More frightening than anything

I ran back to my room
from the monster
how loudly my parents snore

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