Saturday, July 14, 2012

song 86 "comfortable in my own skin?"

So, the execution is a little poor on this one. I double check my notebook to be sure the words I typed on the screen matched. My voice cracks a couple times. Tempo fluctuates. Anyway, it kind of fits with the song, so I kept it :)

I'm comfortable in my own skin
but I don't think I would be in yours
Do you have any type of skin disease?
or a sunburn, or anything like that?
Well, I don't have a rash
I had chicken pox but that was years ago

No, I'm good I'll keep my skin
because it feels fine and I wouldn't want to trade it in
but thanks for asking if I was comfortable in it
but it wouldn't really matter
because I'm pretty sure yours won't fit

Oh! Oh that's not what you meant?
Well dear me! Now I feel like a fool!
I guess I could say, at this time
according to your explanation
I'm not so comfortable in my own skin
just now

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